Wednesday, June 13, 2007

lfh sou rxomai....

diavazontas ta teleftea toulaxiston 10 post anakalypsa oti ta 8emata allazoun toso grigora pou ena post pigena na grapsw kai prin to publisharw itan sxedwn ektos 8ematos gia fto kai egw grafw kati pou gia tous epomenous 3 mines 8a einai entos 8ematos KALO KALOKAIRI !!!!!!! KALO XAVALE,KALA ARALIKIA,KALES VUTIES,KALA KOMI3,KALO FAI,NA BW STO LFH(GIA MENA),KAI TELEVTEO KAI VASIKOTERO .... GAMW TA SCHOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!KAI TIS KOLO E3ETASEIS, MPOREI NA ER8W LFH (EYTIXWS )EPISIS 8ELW NA PW OTI exw gnorisei olous tous blogers EKTOS!! APO TON PAPARIA ME FTERA ALLA POU 8A MOU PAEI...

1 comment:

Buttemeiermkmc said...

High levels of antioxidants for cell protection and repair Coconut oil is a saturated fat. The sites listed below offer things that appeal to both men and women. Beets are easily obtained elsewhere though. It contains a number of antioxidants and vitamins.