Sunday, September 20, 2009

apo otan anoi3e auto to blog poulh8ikan 10.000 modem. osoi dn kataferan na poulhsoun to diko tous, to peta3an...


Anonymous said...

J'ai appris des choses interessantes grace a vous, et vous m'avez aide a resoudre un probleme, merci.

- Daniel

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this brilliant post

Anonymous said...

We appreciate you sharing your current experience concerning this subject.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for spending some time to publish this kind of valuable blog, it's recently been very useful.

sohel rana said...

your blog is very rich that helps us to gather knowledge.

Chad said...

I was happy with most of its' functions, but like most products, there were a few things I feel could have been improved. I was using the iPhone as a GPS, but as the hours rolled on, I noticed that the iPhone's battery was starting to drain. all batteries will gradually self-discharge (even if they are not operating the device they Regrettably, they only sustain approximately 30% longer.